Welcome to Back In My Day Games

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What is this Place

What is backinmydaygames.com? Growing up in the early 90s games had content and a feel to them that has seemed to fall to the wayside in todays market of gaming. Gaming today consist of mindless taping on your phone with nothing real to hold on to, and little memories being made. Growing up I had games like; Final Fantasy VII, Pokemon, Digimon(ps1), and Dragon Quarter. All these games had great memories and moving stories. You could tell that the developers cared and had passion. Today with a few exceptions, I believe much of that passion has been lost.


Back In My Day Games goal is to get back some of that lost passion, promote people playing games with real content, and empowering players through rich content raising the expectation of future games played.

Back In My Day Games and You

Send me an email at: backinmydaygames.com@gmail.com